new baby

July 3, 2024

Fireworks, Concerts & Hearing in Kids

  MVP invited Dr. Alyssa Hackett from ENT and Allergy Associates to help us better understand how fireworks and attending sporting events like baseball games, concerts, and more can affect our children’s hearing. Check

April 19, 2024

10 Things Your Toddler Sleep Consultant and Pediatrician Want You to Know about Toddler Sleep Training

  Thank you to Jennie, your friendly toddler sleep consultant from Tiny Duck Parenting who provided MVP families with a free toddler sleep training webinar recently. We wanted to follow that training by sharing some tips

January 11, 2024

Navigating Flu Season: A Parent’s Guide to Protecting Children

As flu season rolls in, parents face the annual challenge of protecting their children from this common yet potentially severe illness. Understanding the importance of flu vaccinations, recognizing symptoms in children, and adopting effective prevention strategies

December 21, 2023

Autism Resources for Families

There are many online resources for parents. Below are various websites to get started:   Start by reading the “100 Day Kit” on The Autism Speaks Website:  Children diagnosed at age 4 years or under: https

November 21, 2023

Essential Child Safety Tips for the Holiday Season

  As the holiday season approaches, NYC families anticipate festive celebrations and travel. However, amidst the excitement, it’s crucial to prioritize the safety of our kiddos.  This article offers essential child safety tips for

October 20, 2023

Does Your Child Have Croup?

Help! My child woke up in the middle of the night sounding like a seal?!    What is happening? This scenario is a common occurrence in childhood and is typical of croup. Croup is not the

October 10, 2023

What is the new RSV vaccine Beyfortus?

What is the RSV vaccine Beyfortus?   Beyfortus is not technically a vaccine, as it does not cause the body to make its own antibodies against RSV. Rather, it provides a dose of pre-made antibodies

September 19, 2023

Good news! Bite-Sized Parenting by Sharon Mazel is available today!

MVP is proud to announce the book launch of our friend, Sharon Mazel. Today is the “official” launch day of Bite-Sized Parenting, Your Baby’s 1st Year! We’re also excited

April 5, 2023

Does My Infant Need Vitamin D Supplementation?

At every newborn visit the topic of Vitamin D supplementation comes up, usually at the end of the visit as a side note- “oh by the way, you need to give your baby a vitamin D

March 24, 2023

Top 5 Questions to Ask When Looking for the Right Pediatrician

Like almost everything else related to child-rearing, people have very strong opinions about their pediatricians. Finding the right pediatrician can feel like a big task, especially for new parents. Here are five useful questions to