
October 20, 2023

Does Your Child Have Croup?

Help! My child woke up in the middle of the night sounding like a seal?!    What is happening? This scenario is a common occurrence in childhood and is typical of croup. Croup is not the

September 19, 2023

Good news! Bite-Sized Parenting by Sharon Mazel is available today!

MVP is proud to announce the book launch of our friend, Sharon Mazel. Today is the “official” launch day of Bite-Sized Parenting, Your Baby’s 1st Year! We’re also excited

June 9, 2023

Air Quality Tips for Parents

Save and share these tips from NYC pediatrician and mom of two, Dr. Judith Hoffman, on decreasing exposure to harmful pollutants like smoke.    As the skies over NYC turned a glowing orange on Tuesday night

April 20, 2022

Our IG Live with UWS Allergist, Dr. Loewy

MVP talked Seasonal Allergies with a local allergist, Dr. Elizabeth Loewy. We at MVP were lucky enough to have some time for a one on one conversation with Dr. Elizabeth Loewy, a beloved Upper West Side

March 25, 2022

RSV- What is it and why do we see it? ⁠

RSV stands for Respiratory Syncytial Virus, it is a viral infection that we usually see in the late fall and winter. RSV usually causes a regular old cold in most children and adults. In younger babies