
July 3, 2024

Fireworks, Concerts & Hearing in Kids

  MVP invited Dr. Alyssa Hackett from ENT and Allergy Associates to help us better understand how fireworks and attending sporting events like baseball games, concerts, and more can affect our children’s hearing. Check

June 14, 2024

Types of Bug Bites, Stings, Repellants and more!

As the weather warms up and we spend more time enjoying the outdoors here in New York City, it’s important to be prepared for potential insect encounters. While most bug bites are just annoying

June 9, 2023

Air Quality Tips for Parents

Save and share these tips from NYC pediatrician and mom of two, Dr. Judith Hoffman, on decreasing exposure to harmful pollutants like smoke.    As the skies over NYC turned a glowing orange on Tuesday night

March 7, 2023

Starting Solids for Infants

  Starting solids is an important milestone for you and your baby!     It’s an exciting new stage in your baby’s development that often comes with a lot of questions: When should I

April 20, 2022

Our IG Live with UWS Allergist, Dr. Loewy

MVP talked Seasonal Allergies with a local allergist, Dr. Elizabeth Loewy. We at MVP were lucky enough to have some time for a one on one conversation with Dr. Elizabeth Loewy, a beloved Upper West Side